List of Game stores in Zambia

Game Stores In Zambia 2023, Find Location, Contacts

Are you a resident in Zambia looking for Game stores in Zambia near you?

You are in the right place. We have a full list of all Game shop in Zambia.

We will give you their contact numbers, locations, address, working hours, and many others.

Before beginning, you might have heard of Game stores through television commercials, on the radio, or online.

Do you know what it is?

Read also: List Of FINCA branches In Zambia.

What Can I get from Game stores In Zambia?

Since the existence of Games stores, shopping has become more convenient and straightforward.

With Game shops, you are assured of quality products for lower prices.

Once you start with stores, you will get stuck with them.

As they offer your the best of services from baby products, domestic products, groceries, name it, they have it all.

What Services Do Games Stores Offer?

Shopping with Games stores in Zambia is one of the best shopping experience you can get.

You just have to give them a phone call, chat them on WhatsApp, place your orders, pay through mobile money, and other accredited payment platforms.

Your products will be delivered quickly to.your doorstep.

So you see, the Game store is not a child’s play.

Now you know Games stores and what they can offer you, let’s find out where they are located in Zambia.

Recommended reading: List Of Unimoni Branches In Zambia.

The following are the list of all Game store locations in Zambia:

1. Game Store Kusaka Manda Hill

Location Address: The Game store Manda Hill in Lusaka is located at Corner of East and Manchichi in Lusaka.

Branch Manager: Mweemba Gamela

Contact Number: Call Game store Manda Hill in this phone number: +260 (0)21 125 5450


Opening hours: Throughout the week, the Game shop is open on Mondays to Fridays from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

Weekends: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

Check This Out: List Of Shoprite Stores In Zambia

2. Games store In Zambia – Cosmopolitan Mall, Lusaka

Location Address: You can find the Cosmopolitan Mall at Cnr of Kafue and Chipwenupwenu Roads.

Branch Manager: Vincent Phiri

Contact Number: Reach the Game store at Cosmopolitan Mall on this telephone number: +260 21 1388100


Opening hours: The Cosmopolitan Mall operates from Mondays to Fridays between 8:00am and 8:00pm.

Weekends: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

See also: List Of Radian Store Locations In Zambia.

3. Game Shop Zambia – Kitwe

Location Address: There is one of the Game stores in Zambia in Kitwe, and it is located at Mukuba Mall at shop 14, Corner of Freedom Ways and Chiwala Roads, Parklands in Kitwe.

Branch Manager: Simeon Kauna

Contact Number: You can call the Game store in Kitwe on this telephone number: +260 212 290200


Opening hours: The Kitwe store is open throughout the week on Mondays to Fridays from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

Weekends: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

That was all the Game stores in Zambia, but we expect more very soon.

This Branch Locator Article Was Last Updated on April 29, 2023 by Branch Locator

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