Absa branches in Zambia

Absa Branches In Zambia 2023, Branch Codes, Hours, Contacts

Are you trying to locate any of the Absa branches in Zambia? Because Barclays Bank Zambia Plc has rebranded and changed its name to Absa Bank Zambia, many people are wondering if the bank branches have changed.

Are you one of these people? Worry no more as we have compiled a complete list of all Absa Bank locations in Zambia with the branch codes.

Yes, Barclays Bank has changed to Absa, but all the branches in Zambia remain the same.

The only thing that has currently changed is the brand name, and you can see this on all Absa Bank Zambia outlets and all their apps.

You can visit any of these Absa Bank branches in the country and make any transaction you want without any hindrance.

It is that simple. You can continue with your regular transactions at any of the Absa branches in Zambia.

You can visit the banking hall and make your deposits, withdrawals, use the ATM, open a bank account, register for mobile or internet banking services, and many more.

List Of Absa Branches In Zambia

The following are the list of all Absa branches in Zambia:

1. Absa Petauke Branch

2. Absa Manda Hill Branch

3. Absa Lundazi Branch Zambia

4. Absa Matero Branch

5. Absa Mkushi Branch

6. Absa Mbala Branch Zambia

7. Absa Longacres Prestige Branch

8. Absa Luanshya Branch

9. Absa Lusaka Corporate Service Centre Branch

10. Absa Lusaka – Airport Agency Branch

11. Absa Mansa Branch

12. Absa Mazabuka Branch

13. Absa Monze Branch

14. Absa Mutaba Branch Zambia

15. Absa Mongu Branch

16. Absa Mufulira Branch

17. Absa Solwezi Branch

18. Absa Ndola South Branch

19. Absa Mfuwe International Airport Agency Branch

20. Absa Mumbwa Branch Zambia

21. Absa Nakonde Branch

22. Absa Manda Hill Branch

23. Absa Ndola Buteko Branch

24. Absa Ndola – Airport Agency Branch

25. Absa Lusaka – Airport Agency Branch

26. Absa Matero Branch Zambia

27. Absa Mansa Branch

28. Absa Mazabuka Branch

29. Absa Mbala Branch Zambia

30.Absa Mumbwa Branch

31. Absa Mutaba Branch

32. Absa Nakonde Branch Zambia

33. Absa Ndola Buteko Branch

34. Absa Petauke Branch

35. Absa Premier Banking Centre Branch

36. Absa Solwezi Branch Zambia

37. Absa Sun International Agency Branch

38. Absa University of Zambia Branch

38. Absa Lusaka Corporate Service Centre Branch

40. Absa Mfuwe International Airport Agency Branch

41. Absa Mkushi Branch Zambia

42. Absa Mongu Branch

43. Absa Monze Branch

44. Absa Mufulira Branch Zambia

45. Absa Ndola Prestige Branch

46. Absa Ndola South Branch

47. Absa Soweto Branch Zambia

As you can see, the Absa branches in Zambia are at the same location as the Barclays Bank.

However, each of the Absa banks have a unique branch code.

Read also: Nabil Bank Branches In Nepal.

How Do I Use The Absa Mobile Banking Services

As we said earlier, the Absa Zambia mobile banking code and services are the same as that of Barclays Bank. You can use the Hello Money feature with Cash Send and send or receive money right on your mobile phone.

Dial the Absa mobile banking short code *229# on your phone and press send. You need to enter your six (6) digit PIN and follow the instruction on the screen to transfer money from your Absa bank account to your family and friends.

It is very important to take note of the recipient’s phone number and the amount you are sending so that you do not make any mistakes when sending the money.

Please note that this is different from the Absa branch code.

Recommended reading: Stanbic Bank Branches In Ghana.

How Do You Contact The Absa Branches In Zambia

You can contact Absa Zambia customer service in several ways. One of the easiest ways to contact any of the Absa branches in Zambia is by calling the official telephone numbers.

Absa Zambia has also made it possible for Zambians to call the support center using the toll-free numbers on MTN and Airtel.

If you want to contact Absa Zambia customer care, then you must take note of the working hours. It is best to the Absa Zambia support desk from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from Mondays to Saturdays.

Here are the official phone numbers you can use to contact the Absa Bank branch in Zambia:

  • Absa customer care: +260 (211) 366100 and +260 (211) 366225.
  • For Absa customers in the diaspora: +27 11 501 5201.
  • Absa contact center: 5950 available toll-free on MTN and Airtel.

That is it for the Absa branches in Zambia with branch codes. Happy banking!

Read this one too: Absa Branch Locations In Botswana.

Here are the PO Box guides: 98878, 77404, 247, 7251.

This Branch Locator Article Was Last Updated on January 18, 2023 by Branch Locator

Please, we will encourage you to occasionally check the guide to this post https://thebranchlocator.com/absa-branches-zambia/ so that you will get any future updates early especially this year, January 2023.

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