Shoprite Stores in Congo Kinshasa

Shoprite Stores In Congo Kinshasa 2023, Location, Contact, & Hours

Are you a resident in Congo looking for a list of Shoprite stores in Congo Kinshasa near you?

You can count on us or all that we have the list of all Shoprite shops in Congo.

Shoprite offers you quality products for lower prices, and that has made them the leading retail supermarket store in the world.

How many stores does Shoprite have in Congo Kinshasa?

In Congo, Shoprite has two stores. Don’t worry, shortly there is more in the pipeline.

The following are the list of Shoprite stores in Congo:

1. Shoprite Store In Gombe Congo Kinshasa

The Shoprite Gombr shop is one of the many stores of Shoprite in Congo Kinshasa.

It has a vast car park where you can park your, and it is easily accessible to persons of disabilities.

Branch Location Address: You can locate the Gombe store at 11268 OUA Avenue, Lukunga, Kinshasa, 1015.

Branch manager: Paulin Milambo manages the Gombe shop.

The contact number of this Shoprite store in Congo: +243 (082) – 1838393.

Opening hours: The Gombe store in Congo opens on Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 am to 9:00om.

Weekends: This store is available on weekends on Saturdays and Sundays between 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

See Also: Shoprite stores in Kenya.

2. Shoprite Store Kin Oasis Congo

If you reside in Kinshasa, there is another Shoprite branch in Congo close to you.

They offer the best if Shoprite services you may ever come across.

Branch Location Address: The Kin Oasis store is located at Ref 9521, Kasa-Vubu Avenue, C/Badanlungwa, Kinshasa.

Branch Manager: Francois Okamba is the store manager at the Kin Oasis shop.

Here is the telephone number of the Shoprite Ki Oasis shop: +243 (082) – 1838393.

Use this fax number to reach this shop: +243 (097) – 3233625.

Opening hours: If you want to visit the Kin Oasis store in Congo, they operate from Mondays to Fridays between 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Weekends: They operate on weekends on Saturdays and Sundays between 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.

That is all the Shoprite stores available in Congo Kinshasa.

Read this also: List Of FINCA Branches In Zambia.

This Branch Locator Article Was Last Updated on April 29, 2023 by Branch Locator

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