Melcom Bibiani Branch, Opening Hours, Phone Number & Address

Melcom Bibiani Branch, Opening Hours, Phone Number & Address

Where is the Melcom Bibiani branch located? This is obviously one of the frequently asked questions we have received so far.

In today’s guide, we will show you where the Melcom Bibiani branch is located with their contact number as well as opening and closing hours.

Melcom is one of the popular and, of course, best supermarkets in Ghana.

If you are in Bibiani, then you may have heard or visited the Melcom store for shopping or another thing.

Even if you are new to the Melcom Bibiani, we will show you everything you need to know before going shopping.

Before visiting the Bibiani shopping mall, search for your best furniture, TV, Mobile Phones, refrigerators, Air Condition, Home Theater, Kitchen Equipment, Food, and beverages.

Make sure you know where the store is located.

Melcom Bibiani Store Location Address

If you want to go to the Melcom shop, then here is the location address:

Melcom – Bibiani Store, Near Accra Bus Station, Western North Region, Ghana.

That is the address for the Bibiani branch. But make sure you go shopping during the working hours.

But what are the Bibiani branch opening and closing hours?

That is something you need to figure out, especially for Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

Melcom Bibiani Branch Phone Contact Number

If you want to contact the Melcom branch in Bibiani, then you need to call the office phone number.

To call the Bibiani shop, dial this number: +233 241 103 014.

That is the contact number for the Melcom branch.

What Is The Email Address To Contact The Bibiani Store

Here is the email address to contact the Melcom shop in Bibiani:

You can send them inquiry messages for any of their product you wish to buy.

Please note that emails usually take a bit longer time to respond than calling the office.

What Is The Postal Address For This Branch

The official postal address for the Melcom Bibiani branch is listed below:

P. O. Box 3920, Accra.

You can send t your letters or mails to that box number, and it will get to the Bibiani shop.

How Do I Contact Melcom Bibiani Branch On Social Media?

If you want to contact the Bibiani shop, the list below is the social media pages for Melcom:

Melcom Ghana Facebook:

Melcom Ghana Twitter:



Melcom Ghana Instagram:

That is all you need to know about the Melcom Bibiani branch.

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